Yep, he's right.
Add Reply
James Warren
2024-06-02 12:16:17 UTC
"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled
long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no
longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured
us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that
we've been taken.
Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back."
~Carl Sagan
HRM Resident
2024-06-02 23:34:47 UTC
Post by James Warren
Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost
never get it back."
Would it not be a better world if you brains with legs
could avoid having to deal with dimwits like me? :-)
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-06-02 23:53:20 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost
never get it back."
Would it not be a better world if you brains with legs
could avoid having to deal with dimwits like me? :-)
Wow! An unexpected admission. :)
HRM Resident
2024-06-03 00:09:49 UTC
Post by James Warren
Wow! An unexpected admission. :)
Well, it demonstrates one of us is ignorant, and the other
is arrogant. Which one might you be? :-)
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-06-03 01:13:39 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
Wow! An unexpected admission. :)
Well, it demonstrates one of us is ignorant, and the other
is arrogant. Which one might you be? :-)
Neither. False dichotomy. Perhaps you're both. :)
HRM Resident
2024-06-03 10:15:05 UTC
Post by James Warren
Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
Wow! An unexpected admission. :)
Well, it demonstrates one of us is ignorant, and the other
is arrogant. Which one might you be? :-)
Neither. False dichotomy. Perhaps you're both. :)
So I am stupid and full of myself? Who knew? Too bad
I didn’t live in the USA. I could be a MAGA supporter. If I
were, I wouldn’t hide it like you do. :-)

Do you get some kind of tax credit for all the money you
send TFG? :-)
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-06-03 11:08:06 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
Wow! An unexpected admission. :)
Well, it demonstrates one of us is ignorant, and the other
is arrogant. Which one might you be? :-)
Neither. False dichotomy. Perhaps you're both. :)
So I am stupid and full of myself? Who knew? Too bad
I didn’t live in the USA. I could be a MAGA supporter. If I
were, I wouldn’t hide it like you do. :-)
Do you get some kind of tax credit for all the money you
send TFG? :-)
My original post was intended to highlight the Trump cultists. But, hey,
if the shoe fits ....
HRM Resident
2024-06-03 11:45:38 UTC
Post by James Warren
My original post was intended to highlight the Trump
cultists. But, hey, if the shoe fits ....
It sounded like your standard anti-religion bleat, but I
can’t read minds. If you were promoting TFG, it was not
clear. But a lot of MAGA stuff makes no sense to me.

I really don’t think you can use your donations to the
GOP as tax credits here in Canada. Are you sending money
to axe the tax PeePee, who might have a way to channel it
to TFG? That’s sneaky, but you rich guys know tools and
techniques us normal people do not. :-)
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-06-03 12:03:04 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
My original post was intended to highlight the Trump
cultists. But, hey, if the shoe fits ....
It sounded like your standard anti-religion bleat, but I
can’t read minds. If you were promoting TFG, it was not
clear. But a lot of MAGA stuff makes no sense to me.
I really don’t think you can use your donations to the
GOP as tax credits here in Canada. Are you sending money
to axe the tax PeePee, who might have a way to channel it
to TFG? That’s sneaky, but you rich guys know tools and
techniques us normal people do not. :-)
Somehow you always manage to make a 180 degree turn when it seems
obviously impossible. Non-sequiturs are us. :)
HRM Resident
2024-06-03 18:34:22 UTC
Post by James Warren
Somehow you always manage to make a 180 degree turn when it seems
obviously impossible. Non-sequiturs are us. :)
It's not a non-sequitur if it's true, is it? Maybe it is
considering you were quoting Carl Sagan. Either way, it doesn't make
your MAGA donations tax deductible in Canada. Do you have dual
citizenship? Are you voting for TFG in November? I understand he's now
convicted felon, and thus ineligible for entry into Canada. Thus you'll
have to don your MAGA cap and visit him in the good 'ole US of A! :-)

Why do you support foreign RWAs? :-) We'll soon have our own. Are
you practicing?
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-06-03 19:48:25 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
Somehow you always manage to make a 180 degree turn when it seems
obviously impossible. Non-sequiturs are us. :)
It's not a non-sequitur if it's true, is it? Maybe it is
considering you were quoting Carl Sagan. Either way, it doesn't make
your MAGA donations tax deductible in Canada. Do you have dual
citizenship? Are you voting for TFG in November? I understand he's now
convicted felon, and thus ineligible for entry into Canada. Thus you'll
have to don your MAGA cap and visit him in the good 'ole US of A! :-)
Why do you support foreign RWAs? :-) We'll soon have our own. Are
you practicing?
HRM Resident
2024-06-03 23:23:29 UTC
Do not despair. Recall Mike’s prediction about TFG. There
seems to be few to no scenarios where you MAGA types will
not “win.” The USA may be destroyed as we know it, but
MAGA supporters like you think you will be happy. Turn that
frown upside down. Anarchy and hate appears nigh! And
keep sending money. :-)
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-06-03 23:35:18 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Do not despair. Recall Mike’s prediction about TFG. There
seems to be few to no scenarios where you MAGA types will
not “win.” The USA may be destroyed as we know it, but
MAGA supporters like you think you will be happy. Turn that
frown upside down. Anarchy and hate appears nigh! And
keep sending money. :-)
