Fix The News
(too old to reply)
2024-04-23 11:02:57 UTC
Fix The News is an independent, subscriber-supported publication that
reports good news from around the world. We are read by 55,000 people
from 195 countries.

Each week, we find stories of progress on human rights, public health,
peace and safety, economic development, conservation and clean energy,
and summarise and share them in our newsletter.

HRM Resident
2024-04-23 13:39:57 UTC
Post by Gurpster
Fix The News is an independent, subscriber-supported publication that
reports good news from around the world. We are read by 55,000 people
from 195 countries.
Each week, we find stories of progress on human rights, public health,
peace and safety, economic development, conservation and clean energy,
and summarise and share them in our newsletter.
Thanks, John. I signed up for the free version to get an idea of
the content, and if it is as described, I'll likely spring for the paid
version. The "regular" news sites had so much negativity I stopped
reading them (and their 24/7 TV equivalent) about 5-6 months ago. I
don't need body counts daily or care what some foreign politician says.
HRM Resident