European Radio/TV license fees
(too old to reply)
HRM Resident
2024-04-30 09:28:21 UTC
I dug around on the Internet.

1. United Kingdom: Approximately £159 for a colour TV
licence a year.
2. Germany: About €220 per household per year, regardless
of the number of devices.
3. France: The fee is around €138, but it is being phased out
by 2022-2024.
4. Italy: The fee is about €90, included in the electricity bill.
5. Ireland: Approximately €160 per year.
6. Switzerland: Around CHF 335 (Swiss Francs) per
household per year.
7. Austria: Varies by region but generally around €300 per
year for both radio and TV.

I think these are the only countries that still charge a TV
and/or radio license fee. Enforcement is loosey-goosey, as
far as I can tell. I think they use guilt in advertising it on their
channels, depend on snitches, and sometimes do spot
checks, but I don’t think it’s worth the effort to track
people down.

My mother told me when she was a kid in the early 1930s
they had one here in Canada for radios. She said it was
taken away and replaced by advertising, but I don’t know
when. And she’s not around anymore to ask.
HRM Resident
2024-04-30 22:14:49 UTC
On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 09:28:21 -0000 (UTC), HRM Resident
Post by HRM Resident
I dug around on the Internet.
1. United Kingdom: Approximately £159 for a colour TV
licence a year.
2. Germany: About €220 per household per year, regardless
of the number of devices.
3. France: The fee is around €138, but it is being phased out
by 2022-2024.
4. Italy: The fee is about €90, included in the electricity bill.
5. Ireland: Approximately €160 per year.
6. Switzerland: Around CHF 335 (Swiss Francs) per
household per year.
7. Austria: Varies by region but generally around €300 per
year for both radio and TV.
I think these are the only countries that still charge a TV
and/or radio license fee. Enforcement is loosey-goosey, as
far as I can tell. I think they use guilt in advertising it on their
channels, depend on snitches, and sometimes do spot
checks, but I don’t think it’s worth the effort to track
people down.
My mother told me when she was a kid in the early 1930s
they had one here in Canada for radios. She said it was
taken away and replaced by advertising, but I don’t know
when. And she’s not around anymore to ask.
It seems strange to me now, but it didn't when we paid it in other
countries. As I recall, it always to support the likes of the
national radio/tv - sort of their CBC's. BTW seniors don't pay a
licence fee in the UK.
HRM Resident
2024-04-30 23:52:33 UTC
Post by l***@florence.it
It seems strange to me now, but it didn't when we paid it
in other countries. As I recall, it always to support the likes
of the national radio/tv - sort of their CBC's. BTW seniors
don't pay a licence fee in the UK.
I bet more EU countries do the same - exempt seniors.
They respect them and do not toss around nasty things
like calling elders Ken and Karen, referring to Covid as the
Boomer Remover, etc. Here, it is different.

Anyway, today, I asked a 95-year-old guy who is still quite
sharp-minded. He said we did in Canada, as my mother

He said he is pretty sure it started in the late 1920s to
fund early broadcasting. He said he believes it was removed
in the early 1950s. The CBC began in 1936, according to the
Internet. So, I think the late 1920s was a minor mistake.

Or maybe there were other stations before the CBC
started. It does not matter, as PeePee wants to eliminate the
HRM Resident
2024-05-01 11:13:15 UTC
On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 23:52:33 -0000 (UTC), HRM Resident
Post by HRM Resident
Post by l***@florence.it
It seems strange to me now, but it didn't when we paid it
in other countries. As I recall, it always to support the likes
of the national radio/tv - sort of their CBC's. BTW seniors
don't pay a licence fee in the UK.
I bet more EU countries do the same - exempt seniors.
They respect them and do not toss around nasty things
like calling elders Ken and Karen, referring to Covid as the
Boomer Remover, etc. Here, it is different.
Anyway, today, I asked a 95-year-old guy who is still quite
sharp-minded. He said we did in Canada, as my mother
He said he is pretty sure it started in the late 1920s to
fund early broadcasting. He said he believes it was removed
in the early 1950s. The CBC began in 1936, according to the
Internet. So, I think the late 1920s was a minor mistake.
Or maybe there were other stations before the CBC
started. It does not matter, as PeePee wants to eliminate the
I want to eliminate him ASAP! Did you see the ignoramus in the
Parliamentary debate yesterday? His ignorance was showing.
HRM Resident
2024-05-01 12:46:56 UTC
Post by l***@florence.it
I want to eliminate him ASAP! Did you see the ignoramus in the
Parliamentary debate yesterday? His ignorance was showing.
You know what they say. "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's
still a pig."** I would like him to just go away, but unless there is
some miracle, he'll be our next PM. I didn't hear about his latest

I stopped watching International and National news around
Christmas. I get RSS feeds from CBC Nova Scotia, NS Health Care, NS
Seniors and the RCMP NS. Those are 1-2 sentences telling me what's
happening that may possibly might affect me. It's like a breath of
fresh air to not hear what bigoted hatred Trump spits out, how many
kids were killed in foreign wars, and what people like PeePee say
and do. I can't change any of that, so whatever they do is not worth
my energy to read or listen to.

** Or "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear." :-)
HRM Resident