(too old to reply)
2024-03-29 23:35:04 UTC
Looking forward to Sunday when we will finally have some decent
weather... this dragging on and on saps the very lifeblood out of a
person. We used to go to the Caribbean in February but there's no more
travel in our future.

Mike Spencer
2024-03-30 02:25:20 UTC
Post by Gurpster
Looking forward to Sunday when we will finally have some decent
weather... this dragging on and on saps the very lifeblood out of a
person. We used to go to the Caribbean in February but there's no more
travel in our future.
I love these cool, grey, misty days. Don't care for the resulting
puddles and mud everywhere but love the weather.
Mike Spencer Nova Scotia, Canada
2024-03-30 11:35:22 UTC
On 29 Mar 2024 23:25:20 -0300, Mike Spencer
Post by Mike Spencer
Post by Gurpster
Looking forward to Sunday when we will finally have some decent
weather... this dragging on and on saps the very lifeblood out of a
person. We used to go to the Caribbean in February but there's no more
travel in our future.
I love these cool, grey, misty days. Don't care for the resulting
puddles and mud everywhere but love the weather.
I hope you're joking!! I find the 'greyness' has a depressing effect.
2024-03-31 11:18:33 UTC
Post by l***@florence.it
On 29 Mar 2024 23:25:20 -0300, Mike Spencer
Post by Mike Spencer
Post by Gurpster
Looking forward to Sunday when we will finally have some decent
weather... this dragging on and on saps the very lifeblood out of a
person. We used to go to the Caribbean in February but there's no more
travel in our future.
I love these cool, grey, misty days. Don't care for the resulting
puddles and mud everywhere but love the weather.
I hope you're joking!! I find the 'greyness' has a depressing effect.
Oh yes here too! Around this time of year is when I start to lose the
will to live... but this morning... wow, glorious life giving sunshine!
It will cloud over later on, but I believe we'll see the sun again late
in the day. Hope you get to enjoy a bit of it this morning LB!

2024-03-31 11:43:24 UTC
On Sun, 31 Mar 2024 08:18:33 -0300, Gurpster
Post by Gurpster
Post by l***@florence.it
On 29 Mar 2024 23:25:20 -0300, Mike Spencer
Post by Mike Spencer
Post by Gurpster
Looking forward to Sunday when we will finally have some decent
weather... this dragging on and on saps the very lifeblood out of a
person. We used to go to the Caribbean in February but there's no more
travel in our future.
I love these cool, grey, misty days. Don't care for the resulting
puddles and mud everywhere but love the weather.
I hope you're joking!! I find the 'greyness' has a depressing effect.
Oh yes here too! Around this time of year is when I start to lose the
will to live... but this morning... wow, glorious life giving sunshine!
It will cloud over later on, but I believe we'll see the sun again late
in the day. Hope you get to enjoy a bit of it this morning LB!
Yes when I sat down here at the desk, found I needed the blind down a
bit as the sun was directly in my eyes! Never mind, I'll take it.
2024-04-01 10:31:32 UTC
Post by l***@florence.it
On 29 Mar 2024 23:25:20 -0300, Mike Spencer
Post by Mike Spencer
Post by Gurpster
Looking forward to Sunday when we will finally have some decent
weather... this dragging on and on saps the very lifeblood out of a
person. We used to go to the Caribbean in February but there's no more
travel in our future.
I love these cool, grey, misty days. Don't care for the resulting
puddles and mud everywhere but love the weather.
I hope you're joking!! I find the 'greyness' has a depressing effect.
I agree with you. Hard to motivate myself when all I see out the window
is fog and greyness. I see sunshine this morning and just want to get
things done so we can get out and enjoy it.
HRM Resident
2024-04-01 11:41:22 UTC
Post by Booklady
I agree with you. Hard to motivate myself when all I see
out the window is fog and greyness**. I see sunshine this
morning and just want to get things done so we can get
out and enjoy it.
Yesterday wasn’t bad, and today looks better. Even Tuesday and
Wednesday are forecast to be sunny. There’s
no reason to stay in the house. And I have a backlog of
outside chores to attend to.

**I note everyone is spelling grey correctly. Gray is the US
spelling and grey is British. Memory trick: A = America and
E = England. :-)
HRM Resident
2024-04-03 18:00:32 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by Booklady
I agree with you. Hard to motivate myself when all I see
out the window is fog and greyness**. I see sunshine this
morning and just want to get things done so we can get
out and enjoy it.
Yesterday wasn’t bad, and today looks better. Even Tuesday and
Wednesday are forecast to be sunny. There’s
no reason to stay in the house. And I have a backlog of
outside chores to attend to.
**I note everyone is spelling grey correctly. Gray is the US
spelling and grey is British. Memory trick: A = America and
E = England. :-)
Brace yourselves for the incoming storm tomorrow... sounds like it's
going to be waves of snow and rain... blech! With luck it will all melt
away in a day.

John the Grey
2024-04-05 14:46:40 UTC
Post by Gurpster
Post by Booklady
I agree with you. Hard to motivate myself when all I see
out the window is fog and greyness**. I see sunshine this
morning and just want to get  things done so we can get
out and enjoy it.
     Yesterday wasn’t bad, and today looks better.  Even Tuesday and
Wednesday are forecast to be sunny.  There’s
no reason to stay in the house. And I have a backlog of
outside chores to attend to.
**I note everyone is spelling grey correctly.  Gray is the US
spelling and grey is British.  Memory trick: A = America and
E = England.  :-)
Brace yourselves for the incoming storm tomorrow... sounds like it's
going to be waves of snow and rain... blech! With luck it will all melt
away in a day.
John the Grey
Well that one kinda fizzled. Was all set for the plows to be out and 10
- 20 cm on the ground. Today the grass is green with nary a flake in sight.
2024-04-05 15:13:46 UTC
Post by Booklady
Post by Gurpster
Post by Booklady
I agree with you. Hard to motivate myself when all I see
out the window is fog and greyness**. I see sunshine this
morning and just want to get  things done so we can get
out and enjoy it.
     Yesterday wasn’t bad, and today looks better.  Even Tuesday and
Wednesday are forecast to be sunny.  There’s
no reason to stay in the house. And I have a backlog of
outside chores to attend to.
**I note everyone is spelling grey correctly.  Gray is the US
spelling and grey is British.  Memory trick: A = America and
E = England.  :-)
Brace yourselves for the incoming storm tomorrow... sounds like it's
going to be waves of snow and rain... blech! With luck it will all
melt away in a day.
John the Grey
Well that one kinda fizzled. Was all set for the plows to be out and 10
- 20 cm on the ground. Today the grass is green with nary a flake in sight.
HUZZAH!!! Now to wait for some sunshine.

2024-04-06 11:50:43 UTC
Post by Gurpster
Post by Booklady
Post by Gurpster
Post by Booklady
I agree with you. Hard to motivate myself when all I see
out the window is fog and greyness**. I see sunshine this
morning and just want to get  things done so we can get
out and enjoy it.
     Yesterday wasn’t bad, and today looks better.  Even Tuesday and
Wednesday are forecast to be sunny.  There’s
no reason to stay in the house. And I have a backlog of
outside chores to attend to.
**I note everyone is spelling grey correctly.  Gray is the US
spelling and grey is British.  Memory trick: A = America and
E = England.  :-)
Brace yourselves for the incoming storm tomorrow... sounds like it's
going to be waves of snow and rain... blech! With luck it will all
melt away in a day.
John the Grey
Well that one kinda fizzled. Was all set for the plows to be out and
10 - 20 cm on the ground. Today the grass is green with nary a flake
in sight.
HUZZAH!!! Now to wait for some sunshine.
Monday (Eclipse Day) is looking promising with a predicted high of 13.
2024-03-31 11:19:07 UTC
Post by Mike Spencer
Post by Gurpster
Looking forward to Sunday when we will finally have some decent
weather... this dragging on and on saps the very lifeblood out of a
person. We used to go to the Caribbean in February but there's no more
travel in our future.
I love these cool, grey, misty days. Don't care for the resulting
puddles and mud everywhere but love the weather.
Mike, this is a rarely heard sentiment, but good on ya.

2024-03-30 11:34:07 UTC
On Fri, 29 Mar 2024 20:35:04 -0300, Gurpster
Post by Gurpster
Looking forward to Sunday when we will finally have some decent
weather... this dragging on and on saps the very lifeblood out of a
person. We used to go to the Caribbean in February but there's no more
travel in our future.
A bunch of mine are down in Cuba and having a good time. We do
WhatsApp on those occasions and I must say, some of the stuff I
received made me glad I was here :) However, the weather would have
been very welcome!