Facebook, YouTube, etc., are not worth the privacy loss
(too old to reply)
HRM Resident
2024-04-16 18:37:56 UTC
I spent a day (in total, off and on this past week) and did a LOT of
research on YouTube (owned by Google,) Meta, (used to be called
Facebook), Amazon, etc. These outfits are building profiles on their
users in infinite detail, sharing the info the collect between each
other, and generally playing "Peeping Tom" on their users. It's way
worse than I suspected.

Their "free" services comes at a high cost. I am so glad I smelled
a rat 10-15 years ago WRT social media. I need Amazon, but I don't need
the other crap.

Ditch FB, avoid YouTube (use https://piped.video/trending instead)
and do your Internet searches with DuckDuckGo. If you can, use a VPN
to hide your IP and ensure your data is encrypted. Telegram or Signal
are good alternative to texting, if you need to shoot one-liners off to
your friends.

None of this is new "news" to anyone here, but I decided to
convince myself it was as bad as the rumours. It's worse. In the
words of Rick Walker about CCTV cameras, "I have nothing to hide, so
what's the problem?" The problem is not just targeted ads. It's
equivalent to stores putting CCTVs in public wash rooms and sharing the
videos of you wiping your ass with other companies without telling you.
I like my ass, but I don't want everyone who works at Walmart and Costco
looking at it! :-)

Deleting a FB account is equivalent to solving a Rubic's cube. Good
luck on figuring out how . . . it's well hidden. Watch a cat video on
YouTube, and all the outfits I mentioned will add something like "cat
nut" to your profile and use it to their advantage.

Protect your privacy as much as possible. At least Usenet *seems*
to not spread info everywhere about us. Sigh. The Internet was such a
wonderful thing . . . and Social Media has made it a voyeur.
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-04-16 20:59:45 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
I spent a day (in total, off and on this past week) and did a LOT of
research on YouTube (owned by Google,) Meta, (used to be called
Facebook), Amazon, etc. These outfits are building profiles on their
users in infinite detail, sharing the info the collect between each
other, and generally playing "Peeping Tom" on their users. It's way
worse than I suspected.
Their "free" services comes at a high cost. I am so glad I smelled
a rat 10-15 years ago WRT social media. I need Amazon, but I don't need
the other crap.
Ditch FB, avoid YouTube (use https://piped.video/trending instead)
and do your Internet searches with DuckDuckGo. If you can, use a VPN
to hide your IP and ensure your data is encrypted. Telegram or Signal
are good alternative to texting, if you need to shoot one-liners off to
your friends.
None of this is new "news" to anyone here, but I decided to
convince myself it was as bad as the rumours. It's worse. In the
words of Rick Walker about CCTV cameras, "I have nothing to hide, so
what's the problem?" The problem is not just targeted ads. It's
equivalent to stores putting CCTVs in public wash rooms and sharing the
videos of you wiping your ass with other companies without telling you.
I like my ass, but I don't want everyone who works at Walmart and Costco
looking at it! :-)
Deleting a FB account is equivalent to solving a Rubic's cube. Good
luck on figuring out how . . . it's well hidden. Watch a cat video on
YouTube, and all the outfits I mentioned will add something like "cat
nut" to your profile and use it to their advantage.
Protect your privacy as much as possible. At least Usenet *seems*
to not spread info everywhere about us. Sigh. The Internet was such a
wonderful thing . . . and Social Media has made it a voyeur.
It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you, right?
HRM Resident
2024-04-17 10:14:27 UTC
Post by James Warren
It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you, right?
You are right! I am going to stop locking my house and
car doors. Else I am paranoid.
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-04-17 11:55:45 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you, right?
You are right! I am going to stop locking my house and
car doors. Else I am paranoid.
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. These services are offered at
a considerable cost to the providers. They are not charities. You pay
for them one way or another or else don't use the services.
HRM Resident
2024-04-17 12:55:09 UTC
You pay for them one way or another or else don't use
the services.
I don’t. Am I missing something? If you lock your
doors, are you refusing to pay thieves for their “services?”
Leave them open. Help a crook make a living. :-) What
are you afraid of?
HRM Resident
HRM Resident
2024-04-17 15:06:19 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
You pay for them one way or another or else don't use
the services.
I don’t. Am I missing something? If you lock your
doors, are you refusing to pay thieves for their “services?”
Leave them open. Help a crook make a living. :-) What
are you afraid of?
Quick afterthought. By locking your doors, you are driving
our taxes up. If thieves can’t steal your stuff, they will be
on social programs or in jail for B&E. Then the government
has to look after them with our tax dollars.

Please leave your doors open, especially when no one is
home. Put a sign on the front lawn saying, “Free stuff! Just
walk in and take as much as you want.” Also, if they steal
your stuff, they will leave ours alone. I don’t see any
downside to this. Many thanks for considering my request!
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-04-17 15:46:52 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by HRM Resident
You pay for them one way or another or else don't use
the services.
I don’t. Am I missing something? If you lock your
doors, are you refusing to pay thieves for their “services?”
Leave them open. Help a crook make a living. :-) What
are you afraid of?
Quick afterthought. By locking your doors, you are driving
our taxes up. If thieves can’t steal your stuff, they will be
on social programs or in jail for B&E. Then the government
has to look after them with our tax dollars.
Please leave your doors open, especially when no one is
home. Put a sign on the front lawn saying, “Free stuff! Just
walk in and take as much as you want.” Also, if they steal
your stuff, they will leave ours alone. I don’t see any
downside to this. Many thanks for considering my request!
What services are being offered here? Social media offer services for a
price. What is the purpose of your tangent?
HRM Resident
2024-04-17 16:18:55 UTC
On 2024-04-17 12:06 p.m., HRM
What services are being offered here? Social media offer services for a
price. What is the purpose of your tangent?
It’s not a tangent. Thieves provide a service by removing
your excess stuff you don’t need.
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-04-17 17:01:25 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
On 2024-04-17 12:06 p.m., HRM
What services are being offered here? Social media offer services for a
price. What is the purpose of your tangent?
It’s not a tangent. Thieves provide a service by removing
your excess stuff you don’t need.
Thieves usually remove stuff you do need to want. Fail.
HRM Resident
2024-04-17 19:52:02 UTC
Post by James Warren
Thieves usually remove stuff you do need to want. Fail.
That’s a problem, but not a fail. Put sticky notes on the
things you want to keep and not keep. For example, if your
wife made the list, you’d likely have one stuck on the back
of your shirt saying “Take this!” LOL. :-)
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-04-17 20:33:20 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
Thieves usually remove stuff you do need to want. Fail.
That’s a problem, but not a fail. Put sticky notes on the
things you want to keep and not keep. For example, if your
wife made the list, you’d likely have one stuck on the back
of your shirt saying “Take this!” LOL. :-)
Thieving and bartering are not similar. I trade my data for convenience,
entertainment, education, etc. Nothing is stolen.
HRM Resident
2024-04-18 00:34:21 UTC
Post by James Warren
Thieving and bartering are not similar. I trade my data
for convenience, entertainment, education, etc. Nothing
is stolen.
Read the EULAs on Google and social media software.
They claim they won’t share your information, but they do.
It’s not bartering if you are lied to. It’s stealing. There’s
nothing in there about trading a service for information about
us. It seems to me that a contract that lies in it is fraudulent.
But you do what you want, and I will do what I want.

Regarding your wife putting a note on you asking
thieves to “take this,” she’s out of luck. They will return
you within an hour. Otherwise, they will jump in the
harbour because you will argue them crazy. :-)
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-04-18 01:21:46 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
Thieving and bartering are not similar. I trade my data
for convenience, entertainment, education, etc. Nothing
is stolen.
Read the EULAs on Google and social media software.
They claim they won’t share your information, but they do.
It’s not bartering if you are lied to. It’s stealing. There’s
nothing in there about trading a service for information about
us. It seems to me that a contract that lies in it is fraudulent.
But you do what you want, and I will do what I want.
Regarding your wife putting a note on you asking
thieves to “take this,” she’s out of luck. They will return
you within an hour. Otherwise, they will jump in the
harbour because you will argue them crazy. :-)
Well. if they are wrong or say something stupid, yeah. :)
HRM Resident
2024-04-18 09:58:03 UTC
Post by James Warren
Well. if they are wrong or say something stupid, yeah. :)
That’s all well and good, but if you argue someone to the
point where they take the big dive into Halifax Harbour to
get away from the incessant verbal barrage, that might be
manslaughter. Were I you, I would run this idea by a
lawyer first. :-)
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-04-18 10:23:14 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
Well. if they are wrong or say something stupid, yeah. :)
That’s all well and good, but if you argue someone to the
point where they take the big dive into Halifax Harbour to
get away from the incessant verbal barrage, that might be
manslaughter. Were I you, I would run this idea by a
lawyer first. :-)
Nay, there would just be a sense of good riddance. :)
HRM Resident
2024-04-18 12:20:39 UTC
Post by James Warren
Nay, there would just be a sense of good riddance. :)
Some people might look at it that way, but I would feel
badly if you jumped into the harbour. Just because you are
usually wrong in your thinking doesn’t mean you should end
it all. :-)
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-04-18 13:56:05 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
Nay, there would just be a sense of good riddance. :)
Some people might look at it that way, but I would feel
badly if you jumped into the harbour. Just because you are
usually wrong in your thinking doesn’t mean you should end
it all. :-)
I must commend your tendency to fearlessly venture into the land of the
absurd. :)
HRM Resident
2024-04-18 16:10:11 UTC
Post by James Warren
I must commend your tendency to fearlessly venture into
the land of the absurd. :)
I was outside trying to do some yard work, but it is too
blustery, and I was thinking about how to talk you down
off the ledge. OK, how about we agree you were right half
of the time? Don’t do it, pal! There are a lot of people who
are wrong more than you are, so you are right in the middle
of the bell curve. Don’t jump. Imagine if you changed your
mind halfway down? :-) Besides, despair is the only sin
God won’t forgive, IIRC. :-) :-) Hell awaits you if you do

Remember, people who can be consistently right 51% of
the time will win millions on lotteries or playing the stock
market. That’s less than 1% of the population. So welcome
to being normal. :-)
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-04-18 18:38:01 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
I must commend your tendency to fearlessly venture into
the land of the absurd. :)
I was outside trying to do some yard work, but it is too
blustery, and I was thinking about how to talk you down
off the ledge. OK, how about we agree you were right half
of the time? Don’t do it, pal! There are a lot of people who
are wrong more than you are, so you are right in the middle
of the bell curve. Don’t jump. Imagine if you changed your
mind halfway down? :-) Besides, despair is the only sin
God won’t forgive, IIRC. :-) :-) Hell awaits you if you do
Remember, people who can be consistently right 51% of
the time will win millions on lotteries or playing the stock
market. That’s less than 1% of the population. So welcome
to being normal. :-)
They say iff you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth. Is that
right? :) Or maybe if you believe a fantasy strong enough it becomes
real. Is that right? :)
HRM Resident
2024-04-18 20:08:53 UTC
Post by James Warren
They say iff you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the
truth. Is that right? :) Or maybe if you believe a fantasy
strong enough it becomes real. Is that right? :)
Goebbels and TFG loved or love this technique, but we are
not in their category. I am just a friend trying to help a pal.
I am not involved in politics or the like here.

You remind me of Pastor Jeff on Young Sheldon! :-) All in
that “the big guy is watching.” He ain’t. I, on the other hand,
want to help you. Remember what started this. Your wife is
trying to get thieves to steal you by leaving the doors
unlocked and pinning a “take this” sign on your back. :-)
That’s what you said. I don’t know if she really will, but
I have not seen you lie. :-) Maybe they will be stunned
thieves and just take the shirt. Might I suggest your wife
get this tattooed on your forehead? Reduces confusion. :-)

It’s hard to disagree with the idea that you might be
irritating. That is why I opined that the thieves would bring
you back. :-) I think they would within an hour, as I have
previously said. But that is no reason to take a swan dive off
one of the bridges! :-) Maybe they might keep you. Your
oddball beliefs are certainly not unique. Maybe you will be
stolen by thieves who agree with you. :-)

Stay positive, read your bible, and lock your doors. Better
to do that than jump into the harbour. :-)
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-04-18 20:21:37 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
They say iff you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the
truth. Is that right? :) Or maybe if you believe a fantasy
strong enough it becomes real. Is that right? :)
Goebbels and TFG loved or love this technique, but we are
not in their category. I am just a friend trying to help a pal.
I am not involved in politics or the like here.
You remind me of Pastor Jeff on Young Sheldon! :-) All in
that “the big guy is watching.” He ain’t. I, on the other hand,
want to help you. Remember what started this. Your wife is
trying to get thieves to steal you by leaving the doors
unlocked and pinning a “take this” sign on your back. :-)
That’s what you said. I don’t know if she really will, but
I have not seen you lie. :-) Maybe they will be stunned
thieves and just take the shirt. Might I suggest your wife
get this tattooed on your forehead? Reduces confusion. :-)
It’s hard to disagree with the idea that you might be
irritating. That is why I opined that the thieves would bring
you back. :-) I think they would within an hour, as I have
previously said. But that is no reason to take a swan dive off
one of the bridges! :-) Maybe they might keep you. Your
oddball beliefs are certainly not unique. Maybe you will be
stolen by thieves who agree with you. :-)
Stay positive, read your bible, and lock your doors. Better
to do that than jump into the harbour. :-)
You've gone too deep into the dark forest. You are forever lost. All
attempts to help are futile. So sad to see you like this. :)
HRM Resident
2024-04-18 23:57:11 UTC
Post by James Warren
You've gone too deep into the dark forest. You are forever
lost. All attempts to help are futile. So sad to see you like
this. :)
Yeah, we have ventured too far into a dark forest, much
like a starship ensnared by the Borg. Assimilated into the
collective depths, each path we take leads us further from
escape. :-)

Rescue attempts seem as futile as battling a Borg cube.
However, remember the stories of individuals like Seven
of Nine, who reclaimed their individuality despite the odds.
I bet you leered at Seven in that catsuit, didn’t you? :-) :-)

Together, we might still find the frequency that disrupts
our assimilation and leads us back to the light. :-)

What say you, Pastor James? :-)
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-04-19 00:14:27 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
You've gone too deep into the dark forest. You are forever
lost. All attempts to help are futile. So sad to see you like
this. :)
Yeah, we have ventured too far into a dark forest, much
like a starship ensnared by the Borg. Assimilated into the
collective depths, each path we take leads us further from
escape. :-)
Rescue attempts seem as futile as battling a Borg cube.
However, remember the stories of individuals like Seven
of Nine, who reclaimed their individuality despite the odds.
I bet you leered at Seven in that catsuit, didn’t you? :-) :-)
Together, we might still find the frequency that disrupts
our assimilation and leads us back to the light. :-)
What say you, Pastor James? :-)
I'll go look for some batteries. :)
2024-04-20 21:08:33 UTC
Post by James Warren
Post by James Warren
Well. if they are wrong or say something stupid, yeah. :)
     That’s all well and good, but if you argue someone to the
point where they take the big dive into Halifax Harbour to
get away from the incessant verbal barrage, that might be
manslaughter.  Were I you, I would run this idea by a
lawyer first.  :-)
Nay, there would just be a sense of good riddance. :)
I wouldn't take that so lightly. Many years ago in the days of BBS's,
one of the regulars had mental health issues. Called one of the other
regulars, who had the reputation of being calm and caring, in a major
state and said he was contemplating offing himself. The guy blithely
said "So, do it" and hung up. The guy was fortunately found before he died
James Warren
2024-04-21 10:36:42 UTC
Post by Booklady
Post by James Warren
Post by James Warren
Well. if they are wrong or say something stupid, yeah. :)
     That’s all well and good, but if you argue someone to the
point where they take the big dive into Halifax Harbour to
get away from the incessant verbal barrage, that might be
manslaughter.  Were I you, I would run this idea by a
lawyer first.  :-)
Nay, there would just be a sense of good riddance. :)
I wouldn't take that so lightly. Many years ago in the days of BBS's,
one of the regulars had mental health issues. Called one of the other
regulars, who had the reputation of being calm and caring, in a major
state and said he was contemplating offing himself. The guy blithely
said "So, do it" and hung up. The guy was fortunately found before he died
HRM and I are just having fun. IRL I would not say "So, do it". I would
try to be helpful, if I could.

You may have noticed, even on here, that I listen more than I speak. I
discovered early in life that listening to people was more helpful, more
informative and more useful than preaching to them.

USENET is a place to have some fun with ideas, but I have limits. If I
thought I was doing damage to someone I would back off.
HRM Resident
2024-04-21 11:10:13 UTC
Post by James Warren
Post by Booklady
Post by James Warren
Post by James Warren
Well. if they are wrong or say something stupid, yeah. :)
     That’s all well and good, but if you argue someone to the
point where they take the big dive into Halifax Harbour to
get away from the incessant verbal barrage, that might be
manslaughter.  Were I you, I would run this idea by a
lawyer first.  :-)
Nay, there would just be a sense of good riddance. :)
I wouldn't take that so lightly. Many years ago in the days of BBS's,
one of the regulars had mental health issues. Called one of the other
regulars, who had the reputation of being calm and caring, in a major
state and said he was contemplating offing himself. The guy blithely
said "So, do it" and hung up. The guy was fortunately found before he died
HRM and I are just having fun. IRL I would not say "So, do it". I would
try to be helpful, if I could.
You may have noticed, even on here, that I listen more than I speak. I
discovered early in life that listening to people was more helpful, more
informative and more useful than preaching to them.
USENET is a place to have some fun with ideas, but I have limits. If I
thought I was doing damage to someone I would back off.
I agree with everything James posted above.
HRM Resident
HRM Resident
2024-04-22 13:37:28 UTC
Post by James Warren
You may have noticed, even on here, that I listen more
than I speak.
I spent the night in the ER. It turned out to be just a sore
side and stomach muscles from laughing so hard at the
above sentence. :-)

I offer db, Al Smith, and the two meatheads, Peter Kelly,
as just a few examples of *long*, heated arguments. On
and on, like the Energizer Bunny. If any of them said they
were religious believers on top of the other oddities they
expressed, you would still be typing an encyclopedia
long response. :-) :-)
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-04-22 17:13:52 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
You may have noticed, even on here, that I listen more
than I speak.
I spent the night in the ER. It turned out to be just a sore
side and stomach muscles from laughing so hard at the
above sentence. :-)
I offer db, Al Smith, and the two meatheads, Peter Kelly,
as just a few examples of *long*, heated arguments. On
and on, like the Energizer Bunny. If any of them said they
were religious believers on top of the other oddities they
expressed, you would still be typing an encyclopedia
long response. :-) :-)
Correct, but only after listening to what that had to say so that my
comments would be relevant to the topic. Listen first, then speak.
HRM Resident
2024-04-22 18:55:32 UTC
Post by James Warren
Correct, but only after listening to what that had to say so that my
comments would be relevant to the topic. Listen first, then speak.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Hee hee hee hee. Stop it. You are going to put me
in the hospital with ripped gut muscles. :-) Anyone who has been on here
for a decade or so knows you and people like Al Smith exchanged book-long
posts on a daily basis. Sometimes all-nighters!

Is your memory shot? You seem to have all your cognitive functions
(at least for arguing.) Maybe your memory of Al, db, etc., is gone! :-)
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-04-22 21:53:53 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
Correct, but only after listening to what that had to say so that my
comments would be relevant to the topic. Listen first, then speak.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Hee hee hee hee. Stop it. You are going to put me
in the hospital with ripped gut muscles. :-) Anyone who has been on here
for a decade or so knows you and people like Al Smith exchanged book-long
posts on a daily basis. Sometimes all-nighters!
Is your memory shot? You seem to have all your cognitive functions
(at least for arguing.) Maybe your memory of Al, db, etc., is gone! :-)
Ah, yes, but points were being made on both sides and addressed on both
sides. Things have changed since then. Replies to my posts are usually
irrelevant and off topic or ad hominem. The content is seldom addressed.
Dodging, weaving and non sequturs are all I get. Long point by point
replies are superfluous in these circumstances. Comments are not on
topic ans appear to be made mainly to hear oneself speak - jabbering
without making any sense. Disagreeing without explanation. These are not
bases for useful or meaningful conversation. Al and DB have left the
HRM Resident
2024-04-22 23:31:35 UTC
Post by James Warren
Ah, yes, but points were being made on both sides and
addressed on both sides. Things have changed since
then. Replies to my posts are usually irrelevant and off
topic or ad hominem. The content is seldom addressed.
Dodging, weaving and non sequturs are all I get. Long
point by point replies are superfluous in these
circumstances. Comments are not on topic an appear to
be made mainly to hear oneself speak - jabbering without
making any sense. Disagreeing without explanation. These
are not bases for useful or meaningful conversation. Al
and DB have left the building.
Al left the building because you outed him when you
posted his real name and address. He was a weirdo, for
sure. Some kind of author of weird books on the occult,
IIRC. He deserved what he got. db was (and probably
still is) a nice guy. Why he left is an open question.

Reading the above strongly suggests you are referring to
me. I commit the mortal sin of saying “I don’t know” when
I really don’t. You must have a debating opponent who
claims the unknowable, like how the mind works and what
consciousness is. You boil it down to it being a complex
computer. Maybe you are right, and perhaps you are wrong.
Suck it up that you are not all-knowing and always right.
You are not. No one is.

If I give you a theory or explanation, you make fun of it
and pull the teapot orbiting Pluto analogy. One can not
discuss anything with a person who twists everything into
a religion-hating reason. You told me that you can’t beat
the Catholic out of a Catholic (knowing I was raised in a
strict Catholic family.) That’s not why I don’t know
everything, but it is a distraction to paint me as a closet
religious nut. A non sequitur and an ad hominem in one
sentence. Have a talk with the man in the mirror before
you say such things. :-)

The reason I don’t know everything is because
I see DM/DE as dumb as luminiferous ether. Does that
come across as dodging, weaving, ad hominem, a non
sequitur, or some other form of me looking stupid? :-)

I like Mike’s theory that consciousness is an event like
a flame. A particular combination of time/matter that is not
likely to ever repeat. At least, that’s what I understood him
to mean. I don’t put much credibility in your theory that it
is some vast array of logic gates or quantum states that
process information in a way we can’t yet comprehend. I
think that’s what you have said several times. Correct me if
I am wrong.

I will tell you again that I don’t know every half of
“everything.” If you know 51% of everything, why don’t you
play the stock market or buy lottery tickets? Over time,
you’ll become a billionaire, and then you can play golf
with your friends in Mar-a-Lago. :-)
HRM Resident
James Warren
2024-04-23 00:47:51 UTC
On 2024-04-22 8:31 p.m., HRM Resident wrote:

Post by HRM Resident
Post by James Warren
Ah, yes, but points were being made on both sides and
addressed on both sides. Things have changed since
then. Replies to my posts are usually irrelevant and off
topic or ad hominem. The content is seldom addressed.
Dodging, weaving and non sequturs are all I get. Long
point by point replies are superfluous in these
circumstances. Comments are not on topic an appear to
be made mainly to hear oneself speak - jabbering without
making any sense. Disagreeing without explanation. These
are not bases for useful or meaningful conversation. Al
and DB have left the building.
Al left the building because you outed him
I did not out him. I don't know who did but I had my suspicions at the time.

when you
Post by HRM Resident
posted his real name and address. He was a weirdo, for
sure. Some kind of author of weird books on the occult,
IIRC. He deserved what he got. db was (and probably
still is) a nice guy. Why he left is an open question.
Reading the above strongly suggests you are referring to
me. I commit the mortal sin of saying “I don’t know” when
That's not the sin. Implying that it ends any profitable discussion, is.
Post by HRM Resident
I really don’t. You must have a debating opponent who
claims the unknowable, like how the mind works and what
consciousness is.
Oh, I don't know but that is the best hypothesis so far.

You boil it down to it being a complex
Post by HRM Resident
computer. Maybe you are right, and perhaps you are wrong.
Suck it up that you are not all-knowing and always right.
You are not. No one is.
If I give you a theory or explanation, you make fun of it
and pull the teapot orbiting Pluto analogy.
Eh? You don't say why you disagree. You don't even try to dispute the
facts and observations as we know them. It is those that lead to the
hypotheses of DM/DE. It is those that need to be addressed in a
disagreement. You just resort to your infallible intuition.

inOne can not
Post by HRM Resident
discuss anything with a person who twists everything into
a religion-hating reason.
Eh? I argue against religion because it has no supporting evidence. You
staunchly defend it because somebodies feeling might be hurt. That's not
a good reason to censor the topic.

You told me that you can’t beat
Post by HRM Resident
the Catholic out of a Catholic (knowing I was raised in a
strict Catholic family.) That’s not why I don’t know
everything, but it is a distraction to paint me as a closet
religious nut.
You're not?

A non sequitur and an ad hominem in one
Post by HRM Resident
sentence. Have a talk with the man in the mirror before
you say such things. :-)
The reason I don’t know everything is because
I see DM/DE as dumb as luminiferous ether.
See above about addressing the observations.

Does that
Post by HRM Resident
come across as dodging, weaving, ad hominem, a non
sequitur, or some other form of me looking stupid? :-)
Yes, because that's what you do.
Post by HRM Resident
I like Mike’s theory that consciousness is an event like
a flame.
I agree with Mike. This is not contradictory to what I say.

A particular combination of time/matter that is not
Post by HRM Resident
likely to ever repeat. At least, that’s what I understood him
to mean.
Me too. I said the same several years ago when I likened life to a
hurricane. It is an event, not a static thing.

I don’t put much credibility in your theory that it
Post by HRM Resident
is some vast array of logic gates or quantum states that
process information in a way we can’t yet comprehend. I
think that’s what you have said several times. Correct me if
I am wrong.
You're wrong. Neurons are both analogue and digital.
Post by HRM Resident
I will tell you again that I don’t know every half of
No one does. But science in interesting not because it knows stuff but
because we don't know stuff. It is the process of trying to find out
stuff. Building and testing hypotheses is the way do it. You belief that
we need to know stuff is wrong. We need good models that allow us to
understand how the universe works. If current ideas are found not to
work we discard them and dream up different ideas and test them. The
universe decides which ideas have the most merit.

If you know 51% of everything, why don’t you
Post by HRM Resident
play the stock market or buy lottery tickets? Over time,
you’ll become a billionaire, and then you can play golf
with your friends in Mar-a-Lago. :-)
HRM Resident
2024-04-23 13:28:38 UTC
Post by James Warren
I did not out him. I don't know who did but I had my suspicions at the time.
I thought it was you, so my apologies if it was someone else.
HRM Resident
Mike Spencer
2024-04-17 22:24:32 UTC
Post by James Warren
Thieves usually remove stuff you do need to want. Fail.
That's a problem, but not a fail. Put sticky notes on the
things you want to keep and not keep.
A friend once took me to a grad student seminar at MIT's Media Lab
where a 20-something student was the evening's presenter. He
explained how he stickered everything in his appartment with Post-It
notes. When he used something, he removed the sticker. Each month,
he stickered everything lacking a sticker with a different color
note. Anything that had a three-month-old sticker was trashed, sold
or given away.

Huh. Just a couple of years ago, I fixed a problem with our car that
could have allowed the engine compartment to fill solid with snow
(BTDT-PITA). I used some huge sheet metal screws left over from ones
I bought in 1966 to get my aged Metro bread van through inpection.

Never throw anything away.
Mike Spencer Nova Scotia, Canada
James Warren
2024-04-18 01:18:27 UTC
Post by Mike Spencer
Post by James Warren
Thieves usually remove stuff you do need to want. Fail.
That's a problem, but not a fail. Put sticky notes on the
things you want to keep and not keep.
A friend once took me to a grad student seminar at MIT's Media Lab
where a 20-something student was the evening's presenter. He
explained how he stickered everything in his appartment with Post-It
notes. When he used something, he removed the sticker. Each month,
he stickered everything lacking a sticker with a different color
note. Anything that had a three-month-old sticker was trashed, sold
or given away.
Huh. Just a couple of years ago, I fixed a problem with our car that
could have allowed the engine compartment to fill solid with snow
(BTDT-PITA). I used some huge sheet metal screws left over from ones
I bought in 1966 to get my aged Metro bread van through inpection.
Never throw anything away.
I'm inclined to be the same way, but sometimes you just gotta unload
stuff 'cause there just ain't no more space to put shit.
James Warren
2024-04-17 15:44:07 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
You pay for them one way or another or else don't use
the services.
I don’t. Am I missing something? If you lock your
doors, are you refusing to pay thieves for their “services?”
Leave them open. Help a crook make a living. :-) What
are you afraid of?
Mike Spencer
2024-04-16 23:25:19 UTC
I need Amazon...
Why? What goods do you need so badly that you will pay cash for them
and then pay the invisible vig to the corporate dataveillance system?
Mike Spencer Nova Scotia, Canada
2024-04-16 23:58:33 UTC
On 16 Apr 2024 20:25:19 -0300, Mike Spencer
Post by Mike Spencer
I need Amazon...
Why? What goods do you need so badly that you will pay cash for them
and then pay the invisible vig to the corporate dataveillance system?
I like Amazon - I recently decided to replace the old blind in my
bedroom. Some idiot two streets away put some sort of search light on
his garage and it was shining right in my window at night. I had an
old blind that had a cord to crank it up and down.

On Amazon I was able to buy a new one that a) came to fit my floor to
ceiling window b) could just be pushed up and and down, could be
adjusted to completely wipe out the searchlight, or partially. All
those choices, too good to miss.

20 years ago when I bought the previous blind there was a big charge
for making the blind longer, now with Amazon, choose your length, same

Big thing was it was 1/3 of the price I paid 20 years ago, delivered.
Mike Spencer
2024-04-17 06:36:01 UTC
Post by l***@florence.it
20 years ago when I bought the previous blind there was a big charge
for making the blind longer, now with Amazon, choose your length, same
This may depend on your knowing the slang of a particular time and
place but nevertheless...

A young lady comes into the hardware store, asks for roller blinds.

I'm getting married next month. We've found a house that we both
like but the are no blinds on the windows. Here: I've measured
the width of the windows and I want the length to be the longest

Clerk tells her it's usual to make them just X" longer that the window

Well, I don't want to have to replace them too soon. And my fiance
says that once we're married, he's going to come home each day
after work, pull down the blinds and rip off a piece.
Mike Spencer Nova Scotia, Canada
2024-04-17 10:40:39 UTC
On 17 Apr 2024 03:36:01 -0300, Mike Spencer
Post by Mike Spencer
Post by l***@florence.it
20 years ago when I bought the previous blind there was a big charge
for making the blind longer, now with Amazon, choose your length, same
This may depend on your knowing the slang of a particular time and
place but nevertheless...
A young lady comes into the hardware store, asks for roller blinds.
I'm getting married next month. We've found a house that we both
like but the are no blinds on the windows. Here: I've measured
the width of the windows and I want the length to be the longest
Clerk tells her it's usual to make them just X" longer that the window
Well, I don't want to have to replace them too soon. And my fiance
says that once we're married, he's going to come home each day
after work, pull down the blinds and rip off a piece.
OMG - I didn't have to worry about that when I ordered blinds :-)
2024-04-17 19:07:14 UTC
Post by Mike Spencer
Post by l***@florence.it
20 years ago when I bought the previous blind there was a big charge
for making the blind longer, now with Amazon, choose your length, same
This may depend on your knowing the slang of a particular time and
place but nevertheless...
A young lady comes into the hardware store, asks for roller blinds.
I'm getting married next month. We've found a house that we both
like but the are no blinds on the windows. Here: I've measured
the width of the windows and I want the length to be the longest
Clerk tells her it's usual to make them just X" longer that the window
Well, I don't want to have to replace them too soon. And my fiance
says that once we're married, he's going to come home each day
after work, pull down the blinds and rip off a piece.
Hahaha Mike! Great timing with that one too!

HRM Resident
2024-04-17 10:16:33 UTC
Post by l***@florence.it
On 16 Apr 2024 20:25:19 -0300, Mike Spencer
Post by Mike Spencer
I need Amazon...
Why? What goods do you need so badly that you will pay cash for them
and then pay the invisible vig to the corporate dataveillance system?
I like Amazon - I recently decided to replace the old blind in my
bedroom. Some idiot two streets away put some sort of search light on
his garage and it was shining right in my window at night. I had an
old blind that had a cord to crank it up and down.
On Amazon I was able to buy a new one that a) came to fit my floor to
ceiling window b) could just be pushed up and and down, could be
adjusted to completely wipe out the searchlight, or partially. All
those choices, too good to miss.
20 years ago when I bought the previous blind there was a big charge
for making the blind longer, now with Amazon, choose your length, same
Big thing was it was 1/3 of the price I paid 20 years ago, delivered.
Exactly. They are a huge US behemoth, but they are
cheaper and quicker than the few local companies left.
HRM Resident
2024-04-17 13:51:00 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
Post by l***@florence.it
On 16 Apr 2024 20:25:19 -0300, Mike Spencer
Post by Mike Spencer
I need Amazon...
Why? What goods do you need so badly that you will pay cash for them
and then pay the invisible vig to the corporate dataveillance system?
I like Amazon - I recently decided to replace the old blind in my
bedroom. Some idiot two streets away put some sort of search light on
his garage and it was shining right in my window at night. I had an
old blind that had a cord to crank it up and down.
On Amazon I was able to buy a new one that a) came to fit my floor to
ceiling window b) could just be pushed up and and down, could be
adjusted to completely wipe out the searchlight, or partially. All
those choices, too good to miss.
20 years ago when I bought the previous blind there was a big charge
for making the blind longer, now with Amazon, choose your length, same
Big thing was it was 1/3 of the price I paid 20 years ago, delivered.
Exactly. They are a huge US behemoth, but they are
cheaper and quicker than the few local companies left.
I try to support local but ... used to buy my sugar free pop syrups
locally. They were almost the same price as Amazon. Then they jacked
them up 15% and Amazon didn't. Then Amazon put them on sale for 10% off
so I just bought a large supply.
HRM Resident
2024-04-17 10:10:38 UTC
I need Amazon...
Convenience and cost.
HRM Resident
2024-04-17 19:08:52 UTC
Post by Mike Spencer
I need Amazon...
Why? What goods do you need so badly that you will pay cash for them
and then pay the invisible vig to the corporate dataveillance system?
I buy many of my supplies online for delivery. I'm trapped at home as a
caregiver much of the week, unable to just pop out for shopping.

Mike Spencer
2024-04-17 22:10:57 UTC
Post by Gurpster
I buy many of my supplies online for delivery. I'm trapped at home as a
caregiver much of the week, unable to just pop out for shopping.
Granted, that's a fully justifiable reason to go to on-line shopping.
At our age, we could soon find ourselves doing it for that reason.

There's quite a list of things that we've heroically (or, some would
say, stupidly) "done without" for many years because owning or
maintaining them or just dealing with a large corporation to get them
entails an added surcharge in "bother" that we've chosen not to pay. That
posture, though, is heavily dependent on doing a lot of things for
ourselves. "You do from can to can't" and when you can't, any help is
Mike Spencer Nova Scotia, Canada
2024-04-18 09:08:45 UTC
Post by Gurpster
I need Amazon...
Why?  What goods do you need so badly that you will pay cash for them
and then pay the invisible vig to the corporate dataveillance system?
I buy many of my supplies online for delivery. I'm trapped at home as a
caregiver much of the week, unable to just pop out for shopping.
Do you do online grocery shopping for delivery? My BIL does and loves it
except he's ended up with a LOT of reusable bags
2024-04-18 14:12:54 UTC
Post by Booklady
Post by Gurpster
I need Amazon...
Why?  What goods do you need so badly that you will pay cash for them
and then pay the invisible vig to the corporate dataveillance system?
I buy many of my supplies online for delivery. I'm trapped at home as
a caregiver much of the week, unable to just pop out for shopping.
Do you do online grocery shopping for delivery? My BIL does and loves it
except he's ended up with a LOT of reusable bags
I tried a couple of times but I just can't warm up to it. I save it up
for dfays when I have some time to myself and then really stock up. I
keep a pantry with extras of many staples, and a freezer stocked up with
items too. I buy UHT (plant) milk by the case. The times I used
InstaCart they got things wrong... not impressed.

HRM Resident
2024-04-18 17:20:00 UTC
Post by Gurpster
I tried a couple of times but I just can't warm up to it. I save it up
for days when I have some time to myself and then really stock up. I
keep a pantry with extras of many staples, and a freezer stocked up
with items too. I buy UHT (plant) milk by the case. The times I used
InstaCart they got things wrong... not impressed.
If you are referring to Amazon's "Shop and Save" grocery thing,
we tried it a few years ago for 3-4 months. It's good for dry goods
and the like, and I found the quality and prices good for having
groceries delivered to your door. However, they can't deal with
perishables, so it doesn't save a trip to the local grocery stores.
There's also a monthly minimum to get the 15% off.

We stopped using it for those reasons. The stuff is good quality
(upscale because they bought Whole Foods in the USA.) My take was
that it's good to stock up on things that won't go bad, but once
your pantry is full, it isn't a lot of use. Maybe for someone who
had a houseful of people to feed - but there is still the issue of
having to get perishables that really takes the glow off.
HRM Resident
2024-04-20 21:00:05 UTC
Post by Gurpster
Post by Booklady
Post by Gurpster
I need Amazon...
Why?  What goods do you need so badly that you will pay cash for them
and then pay the invisible vig to the corporate dataveillance system?
I buy many of my supplies online for delivery. I'm trapped at home as
a caregiver much of the week, unable to just pop out for shopping.
Do you do online grocery shopping for delivery? My BIL does and loves
it except he's ended up with a LOT of reusable bags
I tried a couple of times but I just can't warm up to it. I save it up
for dfays when I have some time to myself and then really stock up. I
keep a pantry with extras of many staples, and a freezer stocked up with
items too. I buy UHT (plant) milk by the case. The times I used
InstaCart they got things wrong... not impressed.
Don't think I ever got an order that SOMETHING wasn't screwed up. Never
did get perishables that way. Like choose my own fruits, veggies, etc.
Where do you get your UHT milk? Never see it in the grocery store and it
would be convenient to be able to stock up. I presume since it's plant
based that it's lactose free (Kevin's mildly lactose intolerant)
2024-04-21 11:13:14 UTC
Post by Gurpster
Post by Booklady
Post by Gurpster
I need Amazon...
Why?  What goods do you need so badly that you will pay cash for them
and then pay the invisible vig to the corporate dataveillance system?
I buy many of my supplies online for delivery. I'm trapped at home
as a caregiver much of the week, unable to just pop out for shopping.
Do you do online grocery shopping for delivery? My BIL does and loves
it except he's ended up with a LOT of reusable bags
I tried a couple of times but I just can't warm up to it. I save it up
for dfays when I have some time to myself and then really stock up. I
keep a pantry with extras of many staples, and a freezer stocked up
with items too. I buy UHT (plant) milk by the case. The times I used
InstaCart they got things wrong... not impressed.
Don't think I ever got an order that SOMETHING wasn't screwed up.  Never
did get perishables that way. Like choose my own fruits, veggies, etc.
Where do you get your UHT milk? Never see it in the grocery store and it
would be convenient to be able to stock up. I presume since it's plant
based that it's lactose free (Kevin's mildly lactose intolerant)
Correct, I buy oat milk. It's available in almost every grocery story
but sometimes it's a bit hard to find. Costco sells it by the case, but
the other chains usually have it in the health food sections. Check
there, you'll find it.

2024-04-21 11:31:38 UTC
Post by Gurpster
Post by Booklady
Post by Gurpster
Post by Booklady
Post by Gurpster
I need Amazon...
Why?  What goods do you need so badly that you will pay cash for them
and then pay the invisible vig to the corporate dataveillance system?
I buy many of my supplies online for delivery. I'm trapped at home
as a caregiver much of the week, unable to just pop out for shopping.
Do you do online grocery shopping for delivery? My BIL does and
loves it except he's ended up with a LOT of reusable bags
I tried a couple of times but I just can't warm up to it. I save it
up for dfays when I have some time to myself and then really stock
up. I keep a pantry with extras of many staples, and a freezer
stocked up with items too. I buy UHT (plant) milk by the case. The
times I used InstaCart they got things wrong... not impressed.
Don't think I ever got an order that SOMETHING wasn't screwed up.
Never did get perishables that way. Like choose my own fruits,
veggies, etc. Where do you get your UHT milk? Never see it in the
grocery store and it would be convenient to be able to stock up. I
presume since it's plant based that it's lactose free (Kevin's mildly
lactose intolerant)
Correct, I buy oat milk. It's available in almost every grocery story
but sometimes it's a bit hard to find. Costco sells it by the case, but
the other chains usually have it in the health food sections. Check
there, you'll find it.
Will take a look tomorrow on our grocery run. I hate Costco with a
passion but Amazon might sell it by the case if Kevin likes it. I'm just
not a milk drinker but he loves the stuff
2024-04-21 11:59:07 UTC
Post by Gurpster
Post by Booklady
Post by Gurpster
Post by Booklady
Post by Gurpster
I need Amazon...
Why?  What goods do you need so badly that you will pay cash for them
and then pay the invisible vig to the corporate dataveillance system?
I buy many of my supplies online for delivery. I'm trapped at home
as a caregiver much of the week, unable to just pop out for shopping.
Do you do online grocery shopping for delivery? My BIL does and
loves it except he's ended up with a LOT of reusable bags
I tried a couple of times but I just can't warm up to it. I save it
up for dfays when I have some time to myself and then really stock
up. I keep a pantry with extras of many staples, and a freezer
stocked up with items too. I buy UHT (plant) milk by the case. The
times I used InstaCart they got things wrong... not impressed.
Don't think I ever got an order that SOMETHING wasn't screwed up.
Never did get perishables that way. Like choose my own fruits,
veggies, etc. Where do you get your UHT milk? Never see it in the
grocery store and it would be convenient to be able to stock up. I
presume since it's plant based that it's lactose free (Kevin's mildly
lactose intolerant)
Correct, I buy oat milk. It's available in almost every grocery story
but sometimes it's a bit hard to find. Costco sells it by the case,
but the other chains usually have it in the health food sections.
Check there, you'll find it.
Will take a look tomorrow on our grocery run.  I hate Costco with a
passion but Amazon might sell it by the case if Kevin likes it. I'm just
not a milk drinker but he loves the stuff
DW used to buy the 30 calories per portion type and I just switched it
up to regular 60 calories per portion. I think there's also a 90 calorie
version, and maybe Kevin would enjoy the higher calorie types. I find
the 30 calorie is a bit thin. For coffee I buy the more fatty soy coffee
creamer. Yes I bet Amazon has it... easier than carrying that heavy
product home.

Good luck!

2024-04-17 19:05:19 UTC
Post by HRM Resident
I spent a day (in total, off and on this past week) and did a LOT of
research on YouTube (owned by Google,) Meta, (used to be called
Facebook), Amazon, etc. These outfits are building profiles on their
users in infinite detail, sharing the info the collect between each
other, and generally playing "Peeping Tom" on their users. It's way
worse than I suspected.
Their "free" services comes at a high cost. I am so glad I smelled
a rat 10-15 years ago WRT social media. I need Amazon, but I don't need
the other crap.
Ditch FB, avoid YouTube (use https://piped.video/trending instead)
and do your Internet searches with DuckDuckGo. If you can, use a VPN
to hide your IP and ensure your data is encrypted. Telegram or Signal
are good alternative to texting, if you need to shoot one-liners off to
your friends.
None of this is new "news" to anyone here, but I decided to
convince myself it was as bad as the rumours. It's worse. In the
words of Rick Walker about CCTV cameras, "I have nothing to hide, so
what's the problem?" The problem is not just targeted ads. It's
equivalent to stores putting CCTVs in public wash rooms and sharing the
videos of you wiping your ass with other companies without telling you.
I like my ass, but I don't want everyone who works at Walmart and Costco
looking at it! :-)
Deleting a FB account is equivalent to solving a Rubic's cube. Good
luck on figuring out how . . . it's well hidden. Watch a cat video on
YouTube, and all the outfits I mentioned will add something like "cat
nut" to your profile and use it to their advantage.
Protect your privacy as much as possible. At least Usenet *seems*
to not spread info everywhere about us. Sigh. The Internet was such a
wonderful thing . . . and Social Media has made it a voyeur.
I have heard others with these concerns... personally I really don't
care that I'm a data source for targeted ads etc. I block them as much
as possible, ignore mots of the rest, and buy from a few too. I Just
Don't Care. I have enough other real issues in my life that this just
doesn't even register. Given the fleeting nature of life and the fact
that we are less than insignificant star dust, it just has absolutely no
impact on what matters to me.

James Warren
2024-04-17 20:29:00 UTC
Post by Gurpster
     I spent a day (in total, off and on this past week) and did a LOT of
research on YouTube (owned by Google,) Meta, (used to be called
Facebook), Amazon, etc.  These outfits are building profiles on their
users in infinite detail, sharing the info the collect between each
other, and generally playing "Peeping Tom" on their users.  It's way
worse than I suspected.
     Their "free" services comes at a high cost.  I am so glad I smelled
a rat 10-15 years ago WRT social media.  I need Amazon, but I don't need
the other crap.
     Ditch FB, avoid YouTube (use https://piped.video/trending instead)
and do your Internet searches with DuckDuckGo.  If you can, use a VPN
to hide your IP and ensure your data is encrypted.  Telegram or Signal
are good alternative to texting, if you need to shoot one-liners off to
your friends.
     None of this is new "news" to anyone here, but I decided to
convince myself it was as bad as the rumours.  It's worse. In the
words of Rick Walker about CCTV cameras, "I have nothing to hide, so
what's the problem?"  The problem is not just targeted ads.  It's
equivalent to stores putting CCTVs in public wash rooms and sharing the
videos of you wiping your ass with other companies without telling you.
I like my ass, but I don't want everyone who works at Walmart and Costco
looking at it!  :-)
     Deleting a FB account is equivalent to solving a Rubic's cube.  Good
luck on figuring out how . . . it's well hidden.  Watch a cat video on
YouTube, and all the outfits I mentioned will add something like "cat
nut" to your profile and use it to their advantage.
     Protect your privacy as much as possible.  At least Usenet *seems*
to not spread info everywhere about us.  Sigh.  The Internet was such a
wonderful thing . . . and Social Media has made it a voyeur.
I have heard others with these concerns... personally I really don't
care that I'm a data source for targeted ads etc. I block them as much
as possible, ignore mots of the rest, and buy from a few too. I Just
Don't Care. I have enough other real issues in my life that this just
doesn't even register. Given the fleeting nature of life and the fact
that we are less than insignificant star dust, it just has absolutely no
impact on what matters to me.
I feel the same way. It is only a slight annoyance.
2024-04-17 23:43:55 UTC
On Wed, 17 Apr 2024 17:29:00 -0300, James Warren
Post by James Warren
Post by Gurpster
     I spent a day (in total, off and on this past week) and did a LOT of
research on YouTube (owned by Google,) Meta, (used to be called
Facebook), Amazon, etc.  These outfits are building profiles on their
users in infinite detail, sharing the info the collect between each
other, and generally playing "Peeping Tom" on their users.  It's way
worse than I suspected.
     Their "free" services comes at a high cost.  I am so glad I smelled
a rat 10-15 years ago WRT social media.  I need Amazon, but I don't need
the other crap.
     Ditch FB, avoid YouTube (use https://piped.video/trending instead)
and do your Internet searches with DuckDuckGo.  If you can, use a VPN
to hide your IP and ensure your data is encrypted.  Telegram or Signal
are good alternative to texting, if you need to shoot one-liners off to
your friends.
     None of this is new "news" to anyone here, but I decided to
convince myself it was as bad as the rumours.  It's worse. In the
words of Rick Walker about CCTV cameras, "I have nothing to hide, so
what's the problem?"  The problem is not just targeted ads.  It's
equivalent to stores putting CCTVs in public wash rooms and sharing the
videos of you wiping your ass with other companies without telling you.
I like my ass, but I don't want everyone who works at Walmart and Costco
looking at it!  :-)
     Deleting a FB account is equivalent to solving a Rubic's cube.  Good
luck on figuring out how . . . it's well hidden.  Watch a cat video on
YouTube, and all the outfits I mentioned will add something like "cat
nut" to your profile and use it to their advantage.
     Protect your privacy as much as possible.  At least Usenet *seems*
to not spread info everywhere about us.  Sigh.  The Internet was such a
wonderful thing . . . and Social Media has made it a voyeur.
I have heard others with these concerns... personally I really don't
care that I'm a data source for targeted ads etc. I block them as much
as possible, ignore mots of the rest, and buy from a few too. I Just
Don't Care. I have enough other real issues in my life that this just
doesn't even register. Given the fleeting nature of life and the fact
that we are less than insignificant star dust, it just has absolutely no
impact on what matters to me.
I feel the same way. It is only a slight annoyance.
Except, as I recall, when Walker said that camera's were in their
infancy, what we have now had barely started and we missed any chance
we had to control it.

I disagreed with him at the time because I had lived in countries,
other than Canada, where one had to be cautious. He didn't agree with
that but had nothing to say when shortly thereafter a man in a UK
shopping mall was hauled in because he showed up on camera with a
Tshirt that said "I don't give a fuck" it was deemed 'vulgar'

It's way too late now to stop cameras, that moment has passed.
James Warren
2024-04-18 01:20:02 UTC
Post by l***@florence.it
On Wed, 17 Apr 2024 17:29:00 -0300, James Warren
Post by James Warren
Post by Gurpster
     I spent a day (in total, off and on this past week) and did a LOT of
research on YouTube (owned by Google,) Meta, (used to be called
Facebook), Amazon, etc.  These outfits are building profiles on their
users in infinite detail, sharing the info the collect between each
other, and generally playing "Peeping Tom" on their users.  It's way
worse than I suspected.
     Their "free" services comes at a high cost.  I am so glad I smelled
a rat 10-15 years ago WRT social media.  I need Amazon, but I don't need
the other crap.
     Ditch FB, avoid YouTube (use https://piped.video/trending instead)
and do your Internet searches with DuckDuckGo.  If you can, use a VPN
to hide your IP and ensure your data is encrypted.  Telegram or Signal
are good alternative to texting, if you need to shoot one-liners off to
your friends.
     None of this is new "news" to anyone here, but I decided to
convince myself it was as bad as the rumours.  It's worse. In the
words of Rick Walker about CCTV cameras, "I have nothing to hide, so
what's the problem?"  The problem is not just targeted ads.  It's
equivalent to stores putting CCTVs in public wash rooms and sharing the
videos of you wiping your ass with other companies without telling you.
I like my ass, but I don't want everyone who works at Walmart and Costco
looking at it!  :-)
     Deleting a FB account is equivalent to solving a Rubic's cube.  Good
luck on figuring out how . . . it's well hidden.  Watch a cat video on
YouTube, and all the outfits I mentioned will add something like "cat
nut" to your profile and use it to their advantage.
     Protect your privacy as much as possible.  At least Usenet *seems*
to not spread info everywhere about us.  Sigh.  The Internet was such a
wonderful thing . . . and Social Media has made it a voyeur.
I have heard others with these concerns... personally I really don't
care that I'm a data source for targeted ads etc. I block them as much
as possible, ignore mots of the rest, and buy from a few too. I Just
Don't Care. I have enough other real issues in my life that this just
doesn't even register. Given the fleeting nature of life and the fact
that we are less than insignificant star dust, it just has absolutely no
impact on what matters to me.
I feel the same way. It is only a slight annoyance.
Except, as I recall, when Walker said that camera's were in their
infancy, what we have now had barely started and we missed any chance
we had to control it.
I disagreed with him at the time because I had lived in countries,
other than Canada, where one had to be cautious. He didn't agree with
that but had nothing to say when shortly thereafter a man in a UK
shopping mall was hauled in because he showed up on camera with a
Tshirt that said "I don't give a fuck" it was deemed 'vulgar'
It's way too late now to stop cameras, that moment has passed.
Related, but not quite the same thing.
2024-04-18 10:17:19 UTC
If any of you are used to shopping at Dollarama on Lacewood, better
think twice today. Someone flew off Willett Street and crashed into the
back of the store last night. There's a photo on the Hfx Fire News
Twitter feed and it looks bad. Can't imagine that the driver wasn't
seriously injured or worse
2024-04-18 12:11:10 UTC
Post by Booklady
If any of you are used to shopping at Dollarama on Lacewood, better
think twice today. Someone flew off Willett Street and crashed into the
back of the store last night. There's a photo on the Hfx Fire News
Twitter feed and it looks bad. Can't imagine that the driver wasn't
seriously injured or worse
I went there yesterday to get gift wrap. That's a bad area there I
think, you have people coming out the mall area trying to turn left,
others turning right blocking their view. Will take a look, going to
LD for lunch with friends today.
2024-04-18 12:31:50 UTC
Post by l***@florence.it
Post by Booklady
If any of you are used to shopping at Dollarama on Lacewood, better
think twice today. Someone flew off Willett Street and crashed into the
back of the store last night. There's a photo on the Hfx Fire News
Twitter feed and it looks bad. Can't imagine that the driver wasn't
seriously injured or worse
I went there yesterday to get gift wrap. That's a bad area there I
think, you have people coming out the mall area trying to turn left,
others turning right blocking their view. Will take a look, going to
LD for lunch with friends today.
They must have been going at quite a rate of speed. They were actually
airborne and seem to have hit ABOVE the freight door. Can't send
attachments through Eternal September but here's a link to the tweet.

2024-04-18 12:53:46 UTC
Post by Booklady
Post by l***@florence.it
Post by Booklady
If any of you are used to shopping at Dollarama on Lacewood, better
think twice today. Someone flew off Willett Street and crashed into the
back of the store last night. There's a photo on the Hfx Fire News
Twitter feed and it looks bad. Can't imagine that the driver wasn't
seriously injured or worse
I went there yesterday to get gift wrap. That's a bad area there I
think, you have people coming out the mall area trying to turn left,
others turning right blocking their view. Will take a look, going to
LD for lunch with friends today.
They must have been going at quite a rate of speed. They were actually
airborne and seem to have hit ABOVE the freight door. Can't send
attachments through Eternal September but here's a link to the tweet.
Wow! not easy to fetch up there! I'll ask for the gossip in the LD at
lunchtime, they likely know.
2024-04-18 20:23:42 UTC
Post by l***@florence.it
Post by Booklady
Post by l***@florence.it
Post by Booklady
If any of you are used to shopping at Dollarama on Lacewood, better
think twice today. Someone flew off Willett Street and crashed into the
back of the store last night. There's a photo on the Hfx Fire News
Twitter feed and it looks bad. Can't imagine that the driver wasn't
seriously injured or worse
I went there yesterday to get gift wrap. That's a bad area there I
think, you have people coming out the mall area trying to turn left,
others turning right blocking their view. Will take a look, going to
LD for lunch with friends today.
They must have been going at quite a rate of speed. They were actually
airborne and seem to have hit ABOVE the freight door. Can't send
attachments through Eternal September but here's a link to the tweet.
Wow! not easy to fetch up there! I'll ask for the gossip in the LD at
lunchtime, they likely know.
I was there for lunch but none of the servers were there yesterday
when it happened. We were astonished when we saw the side of the
building, the car made a hole in it, through the brick and all!!! I
am amazed there was as much car left as the pic showed.
2024-04-20 20:47:58 UTC
Post by l***@florence.it
Post by l***@florence.it
Post by Booklady
Post by l***@florence.it
Post by Booklady
If any of you are used to shopping at Dollarama on Lacewood, better
think twice today. Someone flew off Willett Street and crashed into the
back of the store last night. There's a photo on the Hfx Fire News
Twitter feed and it looks bad. Can't imagine that the driver wasn't
seriously injured or worse
I went there yesterday to get gift wrap. That's a bad area there I
think, you have people coming out the mall area trying to turn left,
others turning right blocking their view. Will take a look, going to
LD for lunch with friends today.
They must have been going at quite a rate of speed. They were actually
airborne and seem to have hit ABOVE the freight door. Can't send
attachments through Eternal September but here's a link to the tweet.
Wow! not easy to fetch up there! I'll ask for the gossip in the LD at
lunchtime, they likely know.
I was there for lunch but none of the servers were there yesterday
when it happened. We were astonished when we saw the side of the
building, the car made a hole in it, through the brick and all!!! I
am amazed there was as much car left as the pic showed.
It actually looked like there might be structural damage but, when I
drove past there yesterday, that already had it patched and looked like
it just needed fresh bricks to be added. I hope the driver had REALLY
good insurance because that's not going to come cheap. Won't come at all
if he/ she was driving under the influence.