Post by HRM ResidentPost by Mike SpencerCargo cult government. TEOTWAWKI.
I had to find cargo cult on Wikipedia. I had never heard of
it before. It is a very good metaphor for what is going on
now. Perhaps TEOTWAKI is a bit of an exaggeration, but
maybe not. It is hard to imagine a scenario where this mess
will end well, but we cannot predict the future.
Simulating what they see as rituals of the Elite to sieze the power
(rather than, in this case, material goods) held by the Elite. Train
wreck. Multiple insalubrious surprises coming up RSN when it turns
out that science, medicine, diplomacy, global economy and
international politics don't operate by ritual. (However much it may
be that ritual is superficially associated: buy a white jacket, hang a
stethascope around your neck, pick up some jargon or slogans from
Wikipedia and shazzam! You're a doctor.)
The Elite in this case aren't the white people of 1900 Melanesian
colonization or WW II troops. They're people who have years or
decades of experience in working with specific, highly complex
matters, typically including a good education. Many of the cargo
cult-enabled people now taking control in the US also have Ivy League
educations, making them poster children for what I might call High-End
Dunning-Kruger syndrome: IQ > 130, assets > $500M, education Ivy
League, ergo I know eveything I need to know about anything I might be
inclined to do.
Mike Spencer Nova Scotia, Canada